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Mystic Message Monday {07/17/23}: The New Moon in Cancer Arrives Today! Jul 17, 2023

Welcome to the New Moon in Cancer and .... Mystic Message Monday!!  I am going to play with this new way of connecting with you ALL. Doing a "Video" email on Monday.

These Videos will be...

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Living in Harmony in Energetic Spring Apr 06, 2023

It might feel like winter, however, Chinese medicine proclaims it is the beginning of spring. 

The weather may still feel like Winter because of the remnants of the Water energy of...

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Looking for Some Fun Ways to Get More Green Nutrition? Mar 30, 2023

Since we’re well into the Spring energetic season (until April 17), a time associated with life-giving, detoxifying green, it’s wise that we support ourselves with as many...

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30-Day Renewing and Cleansing Plan Mar 23, 2023

Continued from Healthy from the Inside Out Blog Post


30-Day Renewing and Cleanse Plan

Phase 1: Activate (10days)
  • DigestZen TerraZyme — Take one right when you wake up,...
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Spring Energy ~ Let Me Assist! Mar 16, 2023

How It Can Assist YOU with Exercise Plans and even Weight-Loss

During Chinese medicine’s energetic Spring (February 5 to April 17), we focus on the Wood element and the...

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Part One: Living in Harmony with Energetic Spring Mar 09, 2023

Though the weather may still feel like Winter because of the remnants of the Water energy of Winter according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the new energy of Wood since February 5, is...

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Spring Season, Elemental Wood and Oily Skin Mar 02, 2023

Spring energy is a time for the element of Wood when the energy of arterial circulation, blood flow and the movement of vital energy are all at their peak.  Wood is the structure and what...

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Rearranging, - or Time for Spring Cleaning? Feb 23, 2023

“Qi energy moves like a dancer and cannot abide a cluttered stage.” –Chinese sage

In a previous blog post, it reminded us that we’ve entered the season of energetic...

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Valentines Heart Divination Feb 14, 2023

The heart is the quintessential symbol of Valentine’s Day and green is the color associated with the energetic season of Spring (Wood energy) according to traditional Chinese...

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Clarifying the Energetic Affects of the Seasons Feb 09, 2023

When to Switch from Water to Earth?

Clarifying the Effect of the Energetic Seasons on Your Skincare Regime:

January 17 was the end of the energetic season of the Water element associated with the...

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Spring Cleaning with Essential Oils Feb 02, 2023

In the Chinese Five Element Theory, springtime is considered the best time to do a liver/gallbladder cleanse, as it is in the spring that the energies to the liver and gallbladder are highlighted....

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The Pitfalls of Winter and How to Avoid Them earth element winter season Jan 17, 2023

The Earth element in Chinese medicine corresponds to what we might think of as the ending of each season and is related to the concept of transformation. Although the Earth element is often...

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