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Metal Type Personality Aug 06, 2024

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) embraces a fivefold concept know as the Five Element/Phase Theory to explain a wide variety of phenomena from cosmic...

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Ohmmmmm Jul 18, 2024

Meditation doesn’t have to look like you sitting very tall in lotus posture with hands in chin mudra. Meditation can be indigenous to YOU. Explore some of the following methods and discover...

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Stay Well! Don't Ignore the Transition between Seasons! Jul 18, 2024

“…the Earth element governs the change in the seasons, and … thus the Earth elements season, by definition, is the transition point between all seasons. By this logic, a...

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The 18 Days of Transition: July 20 & How You Can Glide Through Them Jul 16, 2024

Soon, we will enter into the Earth energetic season lasting from July 20 to August 6 according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

This is the 18 days when TCM principles indicate...

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Where's your Happiness & Joy? Jul 16, 2024

11 Tips for Happiness and Joy this Summer

… the one thing we can pretty much all agree we want… happiness. — Guy Raz, NPR Radio Host

Life sure does throw us curve balls on a...

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Benefits ~ Physical, Mental and Emotional ~ Summer Fun Jul 11, 2024

We’ll all agree that Summer is the time for having lots of fun. We get more social, expend more energy, laugh a little more, and enjoy the outdoors.

What we often don’t realize is...

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Rosacea Visits the Summer Jul 04, 2024

Summer energy: is the time of Fire when we are affected by the heat and energy of the weather to bring all our circulation to the surface, thin the blood and lengthen our muscles. It is a time...

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Key's to Getting the Most Out of Summer Life. . . Jun 27, 2024

“The three months of Summer are called the period of luxurious growth. Everything is in bloom and begins to bear fruit.

After a night of sleep people should get up early (in the morning)....

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Creating a Spectacular Summer ~ Benefits of Having Fun Jun 20, 2024

Take advantage of Summer’s energies and get yourself so firmly rooted in all this positive that you easily carry the feel-good benefits into Fall!

 Here are 15 spectacular benefits of...

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Keep Cool as a Cucumber this Summer Jun 13, 2024

Because the heart and the small intestine are partners in the human physiology (according to Traditional Chinese Medicine/TCM), heat will tend to eliminate itself from the body through increased...

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Ways to Increase Your Life Force Energy. . . Jun 11, 2024

In order to feel younger, healthier and full of vitality, our life force energy must be at as optimum level as possible. Life force is not physically visible to the naked eye but it is...

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Tips for a Radiant Summer Heart Jun 06, 2024

Summer is the season of the heart and small intestine (in Traditional Chinese Medicine on whose premise the  PHYTO5® skincare philosophy). Today, we’re looking at how to keep...

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