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Millet Extract?: Potent, Soothing, and Beautifying Oct 17, 2024

Millet Extract: Consumed or Applied Topically in Skin Care is a Potent Therapeutic Ingredient for Soothing and Beautifying. 

Millet extract is a principal ingredient in many of...

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Sadness and the Road to Happiness Oct 17, 2024

The Yin and Yang of Happiness, Realizing that Sadness Has the Potential to Lead Us to Happiness.

Over the last few months, and keeping with the guiding theme of wellness building in articles, posts...

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Our Awarenesses of the Influences can Help Live in Balance Oct 10, 2024

The Earth element or between seasons period in Chinese medicine corresponds to what we might think of as the ending of each season and is related to the concept of transformation....

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Preparing Physically, Emotionally and Mentally for Fall Oct 03, 2024

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the Metal (金) energetic season begins August 7 and ends October 20. Here’s how to best prepare ourselves physically, mentally and...

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Living in Harmony with the Energies of Autumn Sep 26, 2024

There are three months of autumn, they denote taking in and balance.The qi of heaven becomes tense.

 The qi of the earth becomes bright.

Go to rest early and rise early,

get up...

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Non-Invasive FaceLifting?! Sep 19, 2024

Exploring Methods, Techniques, Products and Energetic Based Equipment. 

Acupuncture treatments are vital energy balancing modalities targeting acupuncture points and meridians of...

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What to Expect When You Detox Sep 19, 2024

Probably the greatest area of misunderstanding during detoxification is how to understand and interpret properly the symptoms and changes that occur as your body nutritional status improves. You...

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Staying Healthy with White Foods in the Fall Sep 12, 2024

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), color is a pointer that assists us to better live in harmony with the season.

The color for energetic Fall is blue or white. When it comes to food during...

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Best Eating Practices for the Season of Fall Sep 12, 2024

Autumn is a time of establishing a rhythmic order. There is a downward energy, grounding our bodies, minds and even our food into the earth. It is the ideal time to focus on the colon as life...

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Practicing Harmony in the Season of Fall Sep 05, 2024

In Chinese medicine, the Metal element is aligned with the energy of Autumn. In order to better understand this concept, visualize a majestic snow-capped mountain, itself composed of...

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Reminder: We Are NOW in the Energetic Season of "Metal" Until October 20th Sep 05, 2024

“As the wheel of the seasons turns to fall, the days shorten, the earth cools, and the expanded energy of summer begins to consolidate.” Nishanga Bliss

Fall energy is the time of...

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As We Begin Our Transition into Energetic Fall Aug 31, 2024

Reaping the Fruits of Summer's Labor, The next transition or “between seasons” period began on July 20 and lasts until August 6 when energetic Fall begins according to traditional...

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