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How Poor Lymph Circulation Affects Your Skin

Jan 11, 2024

Some people have a tendency to have a more toxic body condition than other people—what traditional Chinese medicine refers to as an Earth condition, or imbalance which usually manifests as:

  • blemishes, toxicity, acne, psoriasis
  • enlarged pores
  • heavy looking hair, pimples on scalp
  • lymph circulation problems

Since the clarity of the skin in large part relies on good lymph circulation, let’s take a closer look at the lymph.

The lymph originates from the interstitial fluid, the watery environment that surrounds all cells and into which all cell waste empties. While water contained in the cells represents the heaviest part of your body, the lymph which gathers outside the cells amounts to about two quarts. It is about one third the volume of blood at six quarts.

Lymph is a watery substance, full of cellular waste, that includes dead bacteria and toxins. It slowly enters into lymph capillaries and makes its way to lymph nodes where it is purified. The lymphatic pathways are close to and parallel to the venous system, throughout the body. It is present in every tissue of the body except the brain and the spinal cord.

Because of its cleansing function, as well as the production of white blood cells in the lymph nodes, the lymph system is very much an active part of the immune system. The white blood cells are natural killer cells protecting the body from viruses, bacteria, chemicals, fungi, parasites, and allergic inflammation. Its role is essential for both health and beauty.

A poorly performing lymph system includes insufficient movement of fluids and accumulation of cell waste, creating undesirable esthetic conditions and potential health problems. Lymph is activated only by breathing and movement.

Poor lung energy manifests as disorders of skin and mucous membranes as well as poor venous and lymph circulation. The spleen, one of the organs associated with Earth, also regulates good lymph flow which ensures toxins are removed from tissues. This action is a critical function of the immune defense system. Experts point to the need of breathing from the abdomen and not simply from the top of our lungs. This action helps the movement of the diaphragm, the largest muscle in the body that acts as a major pump for the movement of lymph and of water throughout the body.

Aggravating factors for sluggish lymph circulation and poor tissue purification are:

  • poor breathing
  • aging
  • physical inactivity
  • poor diet
  • smoking
  • pollution

Massages can stimulate the normal flow of fluids and help remove energy blockages. Because the movement of the fluids is linked to the flow of chi throughout the body, massages, lymphatic drainage in particular, can stimulate detoxification.

A number of medical studies have demonstrated that some essential oils can actually also stimulate blood and lymph circulation. As a result, essential oils can have a beneficial effect, both on improving oxygenation and delivering nutrients to cells (red blood functions), and also in stimulating the elimination process within tissues (venous and lymphatic circulation functions). Consequently, essential oils such as the high grade ones used in Phyto 5 can play an important role in any detoxification program.

An understanding of the lymph system and its functions clearly points to the reasons why the lymphatic system and stimulation is important. We think of it as major bridge between health and beauty, both for face and body. Consequently, it is an important aspect of the entire Face and Body sessions that I provide.

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