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Make Your Home Radiate Peace

Feb 01, 2024
  1. Burn unscented candles with prayer intentions embedded into them.
  2. Keep everything in order. Get organized. Chaos creates more chaos. Clean and straighten as you go.
  3. Keep your decor simple and refined.
  4. Cover your television screen with a beautiful tapestry when it is not in use.
  5. Keep your home aired out by opening doors and windows periodically.
  6. One simple fresh flower or a plant will impeccably enchant the room.
  7. Light a Himalayan salt lamp in each room. It purifies and deionizes the air. Explore Evolution Salt.
  8. Keep your home accessories and supplies vegan and fair-trade friendly. They carry a vibration of non-aggression.
  9. Watch and feel how energies feel in your home and shift furniture until it feels better.
  10. Make your home decor meaningful to you. Your home reflects who you are.
  11. By all means, post a picture or a statue of peace hero in your home such as the Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, or Kwan Yin. You will be surprised at how it makes the room feel.
  12. Have a set of tingshas, a bell or crystal bowl nearby and gently clang periodically to clear the energies of the room.
  13. Never hesitate to do yoga in your living or bedroom. The energies you generate will uplift the room.
  14. Play a continuous “OM” soundtrack in the background. The best one we’ve found is Eternal Om by Dick Sutphen. Or play chanting Buddhist monks. Their guttural chanting is amazingly comforting. Here is an amazing cd by Deval Premal and the Gyuto Monks(Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times) that is enthralling, reverential and moving. [All proceeds of this CD are directed to the Gyuto Monastery in Dharamsala, India; the Phowa Project; and Veggiyana.]
  15. Use color and light therapies to bring gentle vibrations into your home.

Feng Shui is (in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings and rooms.

You can become a feng shui expert OR you can simply tune in to how placement and orientation of objects and sounds in your home FEELS. You will know immediately if a placement or addition is right for you just by the way it feels. Tune in to both ways: the way it was before and the way it is with the changes you have made. Your answer will tell you all you need to know!

It doesn’t take a super built out plan or a lot of money to make your home environment the kind you desire. It merely requires:

  • simplicity
  • order
  • a touch of creativity

You can transform your home in a matter of minutes just by clearing out the old and chaotic, rearranging items and adding sound and good vibrations to your living environment.


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