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Human Design: Exploring Gates 31, 33 and 7 human design Apr 15, 2024

As I explore the Human Design Gates with the Lunar Cycles of the Moon. Maybe tune into your Human Design Chart and see what experiences you have for the transits of the day.

I do go live...

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What's in Your Design? human design reflector Apr 08, 2024


Besides doing 40 days of Green Smoothies, I do a nutrition quotient reset.  I have been exploring the gates in Human Design. Human Design brings in all the calibrations of the Energy...

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Being a 6/2 Reflector in Human Design ceremony coaching healer hermit human design mystic offerings reflector ritual role model seer shaman Oct 16, 2023


Ever heard of Human Design? A blend of Chakras, IChing, Astrology and more. In Human Design, I am what is called a "Reflector," a 6/2 Reflector. A blend of being a Role Model and a Hermit.


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Why not Tune In - "Musing with Tonya Dee" Podcast

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