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What's in Your Design?

human design reflector Apr 08, 2024


Besides doing 40 days of Green Smoothies, I do a nutrition quotient reset.  I have been exploring the gates in Human Design. Human Design brings in all the calibrations of the Energy Centers (Chakra's), the Fields, the Mandala, the IChing, and more.


I am a Reflector, so following the ebb & flow of the Moon, the Lunar Energies - through what is called the Gates. Then see if they create a Channel. Exploring the Circuitry, Creating a "defined" center. I have been using the Neutrino App for easy access.


Also, for those of you that have purchased the ButterCup Meditation, be sure to Check your "InBox" for an invite to the Corridor.


As a Reflector, I often feel like an Oracle, a Seer into the Unseen. What am i seeing that no one else is seeing. I recently shared a post on Tonya Dee, about Quantum Entanglement, by Billy Carson. As a Reflector, this is what it feels like to me.

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