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A Simple Guide for Self-Improvement in 2024

cleansing emotions energy healing meditation nutrition spiritual Jan 02, 2024


Who doesn't want growth? Real Growth? In all aspects of your life? From the Foods we Eat, to the Work we Perform, the Environment we surround ourselves in, our Abundance and Prosperity? and More?


Try this on for 6 months. A method of disappearing, can change your life. Over the next 6 months, I want you to see if you can "disappear." If you don't know what that means, it's basically where you take 6 months out of the year to go inward, and focus on yourself, your goals, your intentions.


This is how you can raise the bar, your personal bar for self-improvement. The main intention for these 6 months is to get ahead in all arena's - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, even financially. So, I am going to share "how" to better these aspects in your life: your money, your body, your soul, and your mind.

Let's begin:




  1. Hit the Gym - The most important factor here, working out is more than getting 'big." Every aspect of your life improves. It doesn't matter what you do at the gym. Just having a solid routine that builds your body in some way. 
  2. Get 8-10k Steps per day - Not only is this fantastic for weight loss. Just like the gym, it's a benefit for every aspect of your life. Go out into Nature, a Nature Walk - idea's get birthed to life in nature. Not only that, you get a break from the "real" world, and create a connection to the "otherworld."  Start walking more.
  3. Start Clean Eating - Combine the gym, getting in 10k steps and a clean eating habit, raising your nutrition quotient, embracing them all together - you'll also have the body of a Goddess. That means NO more Processed Foods. Meat, complex carbs, animal milk, no soy or seed oils. Having a Healthy Gut = a Healthy Body. A Healthy Body = a Healthy Life.
  4. Take the Correct Supplements - Most of us are deficient in one or more vitamins, minerals, etc. I'd recommend to start supplementing: 
    • Magnesium
    • L-Theanine
    • Vitamin B6
    • Omega 3
    • D3+K2
    • Creatine
    • Boron
    • Zinc

You don't NEED these if you're getting enough through Nutrition.

5. Sleep 7-8-9 hours per Night - What? It's like this, not getting enough sleep will negatively impact anything you do in life. Less muscle gain, less focus, less testosterone, less weight loss. Your daily life will be positively or negatively influenced by the amount of sleep you receive. Sleep more!

6. Remove or Limit all Sources of Stress - Stress will not melt your brain, but it will melt your system. If that isn't bad enough, it can also contribute to blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc. Sleep more, Argue less, Lift Heavy. Stress = Gone.

7. Drink as much Water as possible - The body is mostly composed of water. The brain and heart, 73% water. The Lungs, about 83% water. The Skin contains 64% water. Muscles and Kidneys, 79% water, even the bones are watery. Drink Water.

 Ways to Begin raising your Nutrition Quotient, I started with Green Smoothies, or doing a Clean Eating Cleanse




  1. Start Praying - No you don't have to become a Monk, or dedicate your life to practicing stillness. Just spending 5 minutes per day in your head organizing your thoughts, will do you well. Sometimes, thinking of nothing, means everything. 
  2. Read - Start reading books. Non-fiction in the morning, fiction at night. If you want to create, then you have to consume.
  3. Take Ashwagandha - What is Ashwagandha? Its an herbal shrub, that has long been used. It's also a great stress reliever, and also can apparently increase testosterone. However, most people report feeling numb after a while. Try it for a bit, if you stress easily.
  4. Start Journaling - Start by writing down your thoughts every morning and evening. If you have an over-stimulated mind, start bulk journaling. Write down All the things, that are on your mind, I promise you will start to feel better. I have a Moon Journal, and a Thought Journal. I use both. One to follow the Moon as a Reflector through the Gates, and the other to write down and track my goals and progress towards them.



  1. Learn a High-Income Skill - Making courses and selling products will only make you so much money. Learn a high income skill like:
    • Web-design
    • Copywriting
    • FB Ads
    • Sales Closing

Then, go ahead and provide that skill as a service to other people to help them make money, build a team, a community!

2. Build your Personal Brand - If you have skills, and I know you do! You need somewhere to display those skills. Tiktok is a perfect place, YouTube, etc. Pick the place that suits your style. Start an account, then make it all about You! Along with what you can provide for others. Engage, Post and Sell your Skills.

3. Start Investing - Instead of having money sit in the bank, collecting dust. Put some in Crypto or Stocks that pay you passively and hold long-term. Do your research first, obviously. Wealth is a long term game, so why not have it pay you forward forever?

That's all folks! Now you know, hopefully - what to do during the "6 Months of Disappearing," where you work on yourself, up-cycling and becoming more of who you are!

I crafted the "Balance of B'ing" around 6 Natural Resources that we all have and rarely, if ever do we put them to use. You can also grab the "Energetic Super Bundle" to begin your "disappearing" journey. These are tools that we all have, and would level up if we put them to use. The "Energetic Super Bundle" includes the "Balance of B'ing," "Love the Skin You're In," "Soliciting Solitude," and More!

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