One-on-One Sessions

#803: Restoring the Disconnect in Community

Season #8

Join us as we explore the Journey of solopreneur shedding light on how they innovate the challenges of solitude and isolation, while discovering the power of community, connection and storytelling in restoring disconnect.

Tune in, Share the Love - Craft yourself a Love Letter to Self, Indulge in Loving you More, and I will See you on the Other Side! Ashe' (Blessings) Tonya I am highly aware I am not everyones cup of tea, not only navigating a celestial star grid. Doing a cosmic ballet, I traverse your unique galactic coordinates. The etheric highway is my universal realm. Ready to cleanse your "Ethers." Opportunities for One-on-One or Group Sessions?


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JOIN our Shamanic Healing Academy It has crafted an unparalleled, exclusive all-access pass to the realms of Energy, Spirit, Indigenous Technology, Ritual, Ceremony, the Elementals, the Cosmic Highway, and beyond!

You can stream it on Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast