
#750 - First Moon Manual

Season #7

Got a cosmic dilemma or a big decision? Scoured the cosmos for answers? What if the key is within? Dive into the fun of self-discovery! 🚀🌌

In the realm of mystique, emerges Jesica Medellin, the creative sorceress behind the First Moon Manual—a tapestry woven with letters, art, and poetry, an arcane guide for young women embarking on their journey through the celestial cycles.

Within the enchanted grimoire, 24 luminous souls, ranging from celestial entrepreneurs to wise coaches, nurturing teachers to ethereal mothers, have contributed threads of love and support through their chosen expressions.

Jesica, a guide in the mystical realms, aids young women in forging a profound connection with the ebb and flow of their sacred lunar rhythms. Through the alchemy of self-love, she beckons them to embrace the enchanted moments of their lunar odyssey. The First Moon Manual is not just a book; it is a portal to creative sanctuaries, an oracle of reflective inquiries, and a guide for tracking lunar whispers that unveil the mysteries of their magical vessels.

In the sanctum of these pages, Jesica ardently believes that the dance of true self-love commences when every facet of their mystical forms, including the sacred dance of their menstrual cycles, is cherished and embraced. Originally birthed for the tender hearts of young women, this manuscript has witnessed the sacred resonance reaching beyond, with adults finding solace and healing in the rhythmic verses of their own lunar narratives.

Embarking on a cosmic quest, Jesica sets forth to place the First Moon Manual into the hands of 50,000 radiant women by the sacred day of May 28, 2024—Menstrual Hygiene Day. Through this cosmic communion, as emotional support is lent and the veils shrouding menstruation are dispelled, a harmonious wave may cascade across the globe—a movement as vast and infinite as the celestial expanse itself. The stars suggest that the audience of your podcast might resonate deeply with this cosmic endeavor.

An astral invitation is extended, asking if the cosmic winds align and deem Jesica a fitting guest for the celestial platform. Should more cosmic knowledge be desired, she is delighted to dispatch a physical embodiment of the First Moon Manual—a tangible artifact for perusal. Additionally, a portal to the enchantment awaits in the form of a TikTok video—a celestial invocation introducing the essence of the First Moon Manual.

May the cosmic winds guide the response, and may paths intertwine in the cosmic dance of shared wisdom.

Ignite your astral archer, a comet of brilliance on the midnight tapestry. Venture into the mystical odyssey with the 'Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast' in Apple's cosmic realm. Sprinkle cosmic stardust on our celestial stage, join the cosmic symphony, and let the cosmos align in enchantment. Your review, a radiant craft, etches your cosmic glow across the limitless expanse of the celestial fabric.

Behold the cosmic luminary, your radiant aura a dazzling beacon in celestial revelry. We groove to the universe's beats, high-fiving stars, and sipping ethereal Cosmic Coffee. Your vibes weave enchantment through space—a magical storm sweeping us off our cosmic feet.


Unleashing your Intuitive Gifts and Psychic Abilities is the enchanted path to unraveling the mysteries beyond mere 'gut feelings.' Ready to 'Change Your Stars'?

The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation

A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path.

You can also:

Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More!

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