
#743 - How to Birth a Business Aligned with Your Life

Season #7

Prepare to be enchanted, for you are cordially summoned to partake in the mystical ritual known as "Spill the Tea!" Join us as we embark on a journey to awaken your senses, kindle the flames of your curiosity, and satiate your longing for inspiration.

Kimberly Spencer weaves a tapestry of enchantment as an illustrious high-performance conjurer, a sage of trauma-informed wisdom, a maestro of wordsmithing, and a heralded guide on the journey of transformation. She holds in her hands the mystic scrolls of Amazon's best-selling literature, and her voice has graced the sacred stage of TEDx, where she imparts her magic to captivated audiences. Kimberly, a sorceress of note, is the illustrious founder of, where she empowers visionary leaders to reshape their self-limiting tales, conjure their empires from dreams, shimmer fearlessly, and summon the wealth and influence they are destined for.

Her mystical journey began at the tender age of five when she peddled vials of enchanting glitter-water to her neighbors, a precocious start to her spellbinding destiny. Since then, she has woven her spell as an award-winning scribe, a certified sorceress of Pilates, a Miss Congeniality of the highest order, and a nominee for the esteemed WEGO Health Activist Award, not once, but six times. Kimberly's tale is living proof that it is far wiser to forge your own enchanted mold than to be ensnared by another's conjuration. In the annals of her tale, she is also celebrated as the former stewardess of a national e-commerce spell, and as the guardian of the sacred Pilates sanctum known as Fitness with Kim in the mystical realm of Los Angeles, CA.

Her conjurations have graced the screens of Netflix and The CW, where her stories danced in the liminal space of reality and the ethereal. Her spells have enchanted the sacred pages of Chicken Soup for the Soul and whispered their secrets on the mystical waves of NPR. Her incantations have been chronicled in the scrolls of Thrive Global, CNBC, and Forbes, where her magical wisdom has been revealed to the world. Kimberly Spencer, the conjurer of modern magic, walks among us, a luminary in the enchanted realm of transformation and empowerment.

Harness your celestial bow and blaze like a comet in the night sky. We invite you to contribute your luminous thoughts to 'Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast,' now dwelling in Apple's celestial domain. Unleash your cosmic stardust upon the universal tapestry and grace the grand cosmic stage. Seize this celestial moment to illuminate your brilliance and become a part of our enchanted cosmic ensemble. The time is ripe for your magical essence to shine and weave its spell on the cosmic fabric. Share your radiant review, and let your celestial light transcend the ordinary, leaving an everlasting mark in the celestial expanse.

Amidst the celestial dance, your radiant presence stands as a cosmic beacon. Together, we waltz to the rhythms of the universe, exchange high-fives with the stars, and savor ethereal Cups of Cosmic Coffee. Your essence sends ripples through astral realms, and for that, our gratitude spirals like a cosmic tempest.


As we convene at "Spill the Tea," be prepared to enter a realm where conversations are not merely exchanged but brewed, where secrets of achievement are not hoarded but gracefully poured forth like the elixir of life.

Embrace this enchanted gathering, where wisdom flows like a magical potion, and the tea leaves whisper tales of success and enlightenment. "Spill the Tea" beckons, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and where the quest for knowledge is as potent as a sorcerer's spell.

The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation

A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path.

You can also:

Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More!

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