
#626: Saturn, the Planet of Trials & Tribulations, Lessons, Karma

Season #6

The Season of Capricorn, and the Ruling Planet Saturn (which is currently in the Season of Aquarius). Are we innovating our structures? Our Foundations? Saturn show up to give us the memo.

The memo's are in areas of tests. Testing us, seeing if we are in alignment: Relationships, Our Values, Honoring our Word, Emotional Foundation. Are we Old School in our area of Children or romance? Do we use structure, are we hard working or disciplined? Do we find ourselves in Relationships that are patterns of restricting who we are?

Wherever Saturn is in your Natal chart, and where Saturn is currently transiting now - you will be restructured. So, let the foundation crumble - you can rebuild it better than before!

As we tidy up the Cycle of 2022, we are finishing up the Otherworldly Insights theme. If this episode inspired you in anyway, please tag @thetonyadee with you tuning in and I will see you on the Otherside!

Make it a great Season!

Enjoy the Festivities - Be the Star that I know you ARE!

Ashe' Ashe' Ashe'

Tonya Dee