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The Color is GREEN Until April 17th

Mar 07, 2024

Living in Harmony with the Seasons, 

Not only is Green the 5-Element color for the Spring Season and Wood Element, it is the color of the food we should be consuming during the Spring, the color of plants that sprout in the Spring (and coincidentally, the color of St. Pat’s).

During the Spring, we focus on bringing the Liver and the Gall-Bladder Organs and Meridians into balance.

Consume these Green foods during the Spring Season to rejuvenate the your Liver:

Drink green juices made of leafy greens, cucumber  and a bit of green apple.

Really go for it and drink an ounce or so of fresh-pressed wheatgrass juice as often as your body tells you to.

Add chlorophyll-rich foods to your smoothies like barley grass, chlorella, spirulina, blue green algae, ceremonial grade matcha green tea, parsley, kale and spinach.

Drink hot mint tea to soothe the liver’s chi energy.

Eat more green “bitters” like rye, romaine, asparagus, endive and dandelion greens which will also help to alleviate springtime allergies.

Green is the color of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is an extremely important biomolecule, critical in photosynthesis, which allows plants to absorb energy from light. When we consume green foods, we consume the energy of light. Since our bodies are “energetic” (matter plus energy), it makes sense that consuming light energy is critical for our vitality.

Control hunger and cravings; Encourage cleansing and healing; Fight disease; Relieve redness and swelling; Promotes healthy iron levels

Schedule a one-one-one for optimal vitality and a recharge before we enter the threads of summer!

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